*Dollar to peso exchange rate (official rate) according to the Banco Nación Argentina (Link)
Free Private Parking
(One electric gate control will be provided per unit)
Every 3 days (includes change of linen) ; (does not include dish cleaning)
Bedclothes and towells
(Sheets, towels and washcloths)
Check-In before 14:00
Subject to availability, with charge
Check-Out after 10:00
Subject to availability, with charge
Welcome bottle of water
Tray with Infusions
(Coffee, tea, yerba, powdered chocolate, sugar and sweetener, which will be replaced every 3 days along with cleaning)
Free luggage storage
(Request in advance)
Cot free of charge
(Subject to availability at the time of booking) (For children under two years old – Request in advance)
Parrillas (chulengo)
De uso compratido